Condition | Used |
Engine type | Petrol |
Part manufacturer | BMW OE |
Type of car | Cars |
Quality of parts (according to GVO) | Q - original with the logo of the parts manufacturer (OEM, OES) |
Parts catalog number | 7576985 G05 793647-7 |
Version | European |
Replacement part numbers | 7576985 G05, 793647-7 |
Original part number | 7576985 G05, 793647-7 |
With disassembly as in the picture
Please note that there may be different engines in one vehicle model
Before buying, please compare the part with the photo and numbers if given.
The surest way to select parts is to check the part number currently fitted to the car.
Part name : TURBOCHARGER 7576985 G05 793647-7
Vehicle data : BMW / VIESMANN
Displacement: 4.4 V8 4395 ccm BITURBO
Engine power : 300 - 330 KW / 408 - 449 HP
Fuel type : PETROL
Engine code : N63B44A
Production range: 2007 - 2015
Part of the disassembly.
The given data show the entire production range of the model - the manufacturer could use several types of parts.
The engine can also be found in:
5 (F10) 550 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408hp/300kW 2010/03-2013/06
5 (F10) 550 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 449hp/330kW 2013/07-2016/10
5 (F10) 550 i xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408KM/300kW 08/10-06/13
5 (F10) 550 i xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 449KM/330kW 2013/07-2016/10
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i (N63 B44 A ) 4395ccm 449KM/330kW 2012/07-2017/02
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408hp/300kW 08/09-06 2012
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408HP/300kW 2010/06-2012/06
Model5 Touring (F11) 550 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408hp/300kW 2010/09-2013/06
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408HP/300kW 2011/07-2012/06
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408KM/300kW 2011/09-2015/02
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i (N63 B44 A ) 4395ccm 449KM/330kW 2012/07-2018/06
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408KM/300kW 2010/12-2012/06
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i xDrive (N63 B44 A ) 4395ccm 449KM/330kW 2012/07-2018/06
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 407HP/300kW 2011/09-2012/06
Model7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408PS/300kW 09/08-06 2012
Model7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li xDrive (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408KM/300kW 09/09-06 2012
Model7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 7 (N63 B44 A) kW4395ccm 449hp/330kW 04/10 - 06/12
Model7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 7 (N63 B44 A) kW4395ccm 465hp/342kW 2010/04-2012/06
X5 (E70) xDrive 50 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408hp/300kW 2010/04-2013/07
X6 (E71, E72) ActiveHybrid (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 485HP/357kW 01/09 - 10/11
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive (N63 B44 A) kW4395ccm 408hp/300kW 01/09 - 10/11
X6 (E71, E72) 50 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408KM/300kW 07/08-07 2014
X6 (E71, E72) 50 i (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 449HP/330kW 2007/10-2014/06
ModelGT MF4 Coupe 4.4 (N63 B44 A) 4395ccm 408HP/300kW 2010/11-
ModelMF4 Roadster 4.4 (N63 B44 A) kW4395ccm/300kW 2010/11-